3 Haircare Tips To Protect Your Hair

3 Haircare Tips To Protect Your Hair

Lets face it, bad hair day is a reality! right? Do the flawless hair ads seem too far fetched and almost not achievable? We agree! most of them are very unrealistic.

But the opinion of hair care know-it-all experts is that our dream of healthy voluminous hair is not very difficult to turn into reality with the right hair care. Discover a specialized to-dos of for the best hair care in this article.

1. Do Not Wash Your Hair Daily

Washing your hair daily sure does make your scalp free of dirt and excess oil. However, have you ever thought of is that what your hair really wants? The correct frequency to wash hair depends on your hair type. If you have extremely dry scalp, limit your washing to twice a week. If you have an oily scalp, washing your hair on alternate days can help.

2. Drink More Water

Hydration is very very very IMPORTANT! Internal hydration coupled with external hydration is the key to healthy hair. You may be using hydrating hair care products and oils, which is good..but drinking at least 3 litres of water everyday helps to make sure you achieve good hair health.

3. Use Pure Silk Pillow case and Hair Bands

who doesn't love to flaunt their open hair!? but it is necessary to limit our hair from exposure to environmental aggressors. Use Silk hair ties instead of other fabrics to reduce friction. Don't pull your hair too tight when making any hairstyle.

Did You Forget to Take Care Of Your Hair?

If you forget to take care of your hair, it may start becoming weak and unhealthy after a point. Slowly, you may start experiencing dandruff, hair fall and balding.

Not washing hair for long periods can cause ingrown hairs. Yup, you heard right! They can happen on the scalp too. Also, by leaving your hair unwashed for a long time, you tend to attract more dust. Using the wrong hair care products can also make you feel uncomfortable and lead to unhealthy hair.

So pick how you want to care for your hair thoughtfully, by taking time to figure out what your hair needs are and taking the correct little steps before it gets too late.
